Wednesday, August 5, 2015

31 Weeks


+ Today I am 31 weeks, 6 days

+ Little Lady is as big as a head of lettuce

+ She's definitely favoring my right side, and most of her movements are up pretty high in my ribs this week!

+ She's moving a ton, and Devin has been able to feel it lots lately, which is pretty amazing.

+ We are nearly done with everything for the nursery! Except the part where we actually need to move and get it all set up! We have everything except the dresser now, and I am SO anxious to move!

+ Waking up with numb hands almost ever morning?! The feeling comes back within a few minutes, but it's still weird.

+ Definitely can't lay on my back for longer than maybe 5 minutes anymore. It gets hard to breathe and I can feel all the pressure it puts on my hips! Luckily, I'm a side sleeper anyway!

+ Before, I would swell after I had been sitting or standing for too long, or was really hot, and then it would go completely away. Now I'm basically always just a little bit swollen, haha! It's mostly in my feet.

+ Stretchmarks. I made it this far without them, but a few little ones showed up under my belly button! I can't say that I really mind. I'm not a bikini-wearer, and I really don't know why they are worth getting worked up over? They'll fade or go away eventually I'm sure. I'm definitely trying to be more diligent with my tummy butter now, but it's not something I'm really concerned about. I'M GROWING A BABY. What else do you expect?! haha I can't complain much about the stretch marks because I haven't gained much weight at all so far, which has been lucky! And honestly, I'd take all the stretchmarks you could give me if it meant I didn't have to swell! That's definitely been more annoying in my book, haha! So what if I get a few little lines on my belly - I think that's pretty fair! haha

+ I don't feel huge, but earlier this week, Devin and I were at City Creek and he noticed a few people giving me some looks, so I think I'm nearing that "about to pop" phase...

+ Definitely ready to meet this girl and figure out parenthood and adjust to being a family! With a baby! Not only am i excited for summer to be over because *FALL!!!* but also because it will finally be time to have this baby!!!

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