Saturday, August 29, 2015

Katie, Lately

Devin's gym hosted a crate stacking competition last week and of course after the even was over, Devin had to try it out for himself! I think he got 17 crates?! He's crazy! And I may be biased, but I'm pretty sure he's probably a really cool boss. And, he has some seriously great employees.

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i'd left the back door open as i was packing some boxes and turned around to find coop laying out on the patio - i had to snap a picture! what a dog.

i know in these pictures, it usually looks like i smother him (i do). but coop brings it upon himself. he is so cuddly and clingy lately, and i love that any time i'm laying down, he settles in right next to me.

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i will never got over how perfect collin is. he is the sweetest and most content little boy, and i am mildly obsessed with him!

we moved on monday! and after a long day of work, following by a long day of moving and organizing and getting just unpacked enough to function for a few days, this bath was so necessary. i knew that one of the hardest things about leaving our place in herriman would be giving up the giant, garden bath tub i loved so much. luckily for me, our new place has an even bigger, fancier, more luxurious tub! haha!

i love it so much when he wiggles in between devin and i on the bed and curls up next to my bump! he is the sweetest dog of all time.

Packard Lake

Devin has always been extremely independent, so I learned early on that it's important to make sure he gets some space every once in awhile. Devin has also always had a serious passion for the outdoors, and if he goes too long without some mountain air, he gets a bit stir crazy! Everyone thought I was crazy for letting him go on a backpacking trip in the high Uintas while I was 8.5 months pregnant, but I know Dev, and I knew he needed it! Nothing does a better job of filling his tank, recharging his batteries and clearing his mind like some time in the outdoors, and with his work load, pregnant wife, and the upcoming move (he went on this trip a few weeks ago!), among other things on his plate, I was happy to let him go! He hiked in to Packard Lake with a few of his good friends, and Coop, and they had an awesome weekend. Having him gone on these small trips is worth it when he comes home with pictures like these! Coop always comes home pretty satisfied, too! It's good for both of them to get outside - I only wish I could have joined them!

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I love when he goes on trips with Clark, because Clark always manages to get photos like this, and they've got my heart eye emojis on repeat. 

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Family Baby Shower

My sisters threw me the sweetest family baby shower this afternoon! At the last minute, we had to change the location and ended up doing it at my new place, but it worked out great and everything was so cute! 

I absolutely love the invitations they got! Everything was so my style, they were so thoughtful!

they serves all my favorite foods: chicago style popcorn, cucumber sandwiches, s'mores bites and donut hole / fruit kabobs with lemonade! it was all so delicious and so cute!

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and of course these two little ladies stole the show!!! i love these girls so much! my sisters make cute kids, huh?! scarlett was so excited about holding josie, even though you can't tell in this picture. she hasn't quite grasped the "say cheese" thing yet! haha they are both getting so big, it's killing me!! why can't babies stay little forever?! i can't wait to add my own little girl to this group!

so many of my aunts, cousins and grandmas came and baby girl and i were absolutely spoiled! we had so much fun, and i loved being able to show off the nursery (in progress!) and get some sound parenting / labor & delivery advise from everyone. i couldn't be more grateful for all these amazing women in my life! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

34 Weeks


+ Today I am 34 weeks, 6 days

+ Baby girl is the size of a honeydew melon

+ I've been having sharp pains in my stomach, right by my belly button, which my doctor casually explained was just my muscles separating ... so that's fun... ha!

+ We moved! We finally moved! We have been waiting to move into our new place for 2 months (and we've been attempting to move for 2 years!) and we finally did it this week! We love it so much, and you better believe the crib was set up before we went to sleep on the first night!

+ Movement has definitely slowed down. She's running out of room! She still gets pretty active at night when I lay down in bed, but other than that, I don't feel her much throughout the day anymore.

+ No contractions. But lots of lower back pain, lots of sciatic pain, lots of heartburn, and lots of lightheadedeness!

+ I had my last regular check up this week - from now on all my doctor's visits will be cervical exams, which freaks me out to no end, but also gets me excited! I can't believe how close we are! I am actually pretty exited for this first one, I'm really hoping I'm progressing, even just a little bit!

+ Cooper has been super clingy this week, and maybe it's because of the move, but even before we were in our new place, he has been pretty stubborn about not ever leaving y side. I'm wondering if maybe he is sensing something I can't - I definitely wouldn't mind if this girl decided to show up early! I doubt that will be the case, but a girl can dream! 10 months is a long, long time to be pregnant. I'm ready to be done! I just want to meet my baby girl already!

Katie, Lately

couldn't keep myself from sneaking this photo as devin helped me paint my toes! i can still reach them, it's just completely exhausting and takes a ton of effort and lots of breaks haha!

i've only recently started to see diet coke in glass bottles?! I LOVE IT!! i'm pretty upset that they're only 8oz, because that means i basically need the entire 6 pack, but they're so cute, it's fine.

and an overload of Collin James! because I will never ever ever get sick of this sweet little guy. just like his big brother, he has completely stolen my heart and i am totally smitten! he was born on friday the 14th and he is the most calm baby i have ever seen! he is a cuddly little puddle and loves to sleep and snuggle on anyone! i was so glad i got to spend a few hours in the hospital with chloe after he was born, and it was so emotional for me, knowing my little girl will be here so soon! Collie J, you are what dreams are made of! 

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I posted this photo of his tiny toes on instagram and apparently it freaked a few people out, thinking it was my baby! haha i thought i had made it clear, but i guess not! haha trust me people, when my girl comes i'll be broadcasting it everywhere, because I will be SO excited to finally have her here! you won't have to worry about vague posts from me haha! but for real - baby feet!!! all the heart eyes.

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my older sister had a birthday over the weekend, so we celebrated the only way we know how! manicures, lunch, a little shopping and dessert! my all time favorite nail salon is Nailed! in salt lake city. they are right next door to THE CUTEST little bakery, Tulie, so it's hard to not grab a treat any time i'm up that way! this lemon tart was amazing! not pictured: the equally delicious cheesecake!

salon aftermath!

i FINALLY went to Trader Joe's! I've been dying to go since it opened (like a year ago? two? haha oops) but I knew I wanted to go when I had a surplus of money so I could BUY ALL THE THINGS! haha that wasn't the case, but it was still cool to finally see what all the hype was about, and it definitely seems to be worth all the hype!

oh gosh, don't even worry. i would have never gone in there without leaving with some of this cookie butter! i'm pretty sure that's grounds for arrest, isn't it?! haha it's the only thing i bought, but it was a worthy purchase! devin and i have each had a spoonful (okay maybe 2) and we spread it on our pancakes when we made breakfast for dinner the other night! we are HOOKED! I really want to try the chocolate swirl one, and the crunchy one now!!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Strawberry Freezer Jam


I don't know why, or where it came from, but suddenly last week, I had a hankering to make strawberry freezer jam. Which I had never done before in my life! I found a super easy recipe, and the entire time I was making the jam, I kept wondering why I had never tried this before! It was SO easy! I made 5 batches (mostly because I miscounted my strawberry to pectin ratio, and wound up with WAY more strawberries than I needed, so I just kept going!) and would have gladly made more and more because we've already gone through almost 2 jars in less than a week between devin and I, haha!


2 cups crushed/mashed/pureed/smooshed strawberries (cleaned, and with the greens chopped off) 
4 cups sugar
1 box Sure Jell pectin (make sure it's Sure Jell brand!)
3/4 cup water

1. Liquefy your strawberries to the consistency you desire. I wanted to put my strawberries through the food processor, but we have already packed it, so I settled for the blender. At first, I was dicing my strawberries up pretty small, but I quickly realized how unnecessary that was! I tossed them in there whole and they blended up perfectly! I know some people like chunkier jam, so you'd have to use a different method, and probably end up mashing them by hand with a potato masher, or ever a ricer would probably work nicely! 
2. Mix the strawberries and sugar, and let sit for 10 minutes.
3. Bring water and pectin to a boil, stirring constantly. Let boil 1 minute, stirring constantly, then add to your strawberry-sugar mixture. 
4. Stir the jam for a good 3 minutes, so all the sugar gets dissolved (otherwise your jam will be grainy!)
5. Pour into jars, leaving a 1/2 inch gap at the top (with mason jars, you can rill it to the rim where the threading starts for the lid - it works perfectly!)
6. Seal jars tightly
7. Let jars sit at room temperature for 24 hours


The jam lasts in the fridge for 3 weeks (though I'd be impressed if you make it that long!) or in the freezer for 1 year!! Um... that's basically all the food storage I'd ever need! 

This worked out so perfectly for us, because Devin and I like using mason jars as drinking glasses, but we have quite a surplus, and he's always rolling his eyes at the overflowing cupboard of mason jars! I used a few different sizes, because it's what I had, but the majority of the jars I used were wide mouth, 1 pint mason jars, with a few regular mouth, and also some of the smaller jars as well! I ended up with 17 jars, but I honestly wish I would have made more! It's so delicious and as much as I want to keep it all, I'm also tempted to hand it out as gifts!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Katie, Lately

snapped this photo a few weeks ago! our carseat and stroller got delivered, and we couldn't keep it in the box! we set it all up immediately, even though we were about 2 months early! the base for the carseat is installed in the car now, but the carseat itself is stored in the laundry room until it's go time! and for those curious, we got the Graco Fast Action Jogger Click Connect XT Travel System in "Coconut" and we are obsessed and can't wait to use it! We knew we wanted a jogger style stroller, so we could take it off the beaten path a bit! We wanted a stroller we'd be able to take on mild hikes, and wouldn't have  a problem with on terrain other than the sidewalk and mall! We are positive we found the perfect match.

I had never been a huge taco person, and that's probably because growing up, tacos were in hard, corn shells, with ground beef and ketchup, haha! but street tacos are having a moment, and even though i'm a little late to the game, i am pretty excited about it! we tried out Taqueria 27 in Holladay a few weeks ago and were so impressed! These tacos were AMAZING! We definitely would recommend ordering several "small" orders (which means you get 2 tacos instead of 4) so you can try more than one kind! 3 small orders was the perfect amount of food for each of us, and we seriously loved each of them! and their chips and salsa were SO good!

coop's still lovin on his baby sis any chance he gets! 

josie was blessed at the beginning of august and it was such a fun day! i'm so sad this picture is blurry, because it's so adorable! scarlett loves baby josie and just doesn't know what to do with herself around her! it's so cute! she calls her JJ! 

Josie was blessed in the blessing dress my grandma made for my mom, and me and all of my sisters wore it! It's so beautiful! She's also wearing a gold bracelet that belonged to my mom, as well as a small beaded bracelet made by my mom! it was such a sweet day, and i love that kelli included so many heirlooms and sentimental touches.

look at this cutest little family!!! sean gave josie such a sweet blessing - i was so glad Devin and I were able to make it up to Ogden for this day! Jos is such a sweet baby, and I hate that she lives so far away! she is always so content and so smiley!

reorganized my lipstick and not all of it fits in this drawer! but it's still so pretty that i can hardly mind.

I turned 24!!! for my birthday, Devin took me to Silver Fork Lodge up Big Cottonwood Canyon for breakfast and it was amazing! He had surprised me, and I had no idea where we were going until we turned to go up the canyon! We had eaten here before, on our way home from a week in park city a year or two ago, and i absolutely loved it! it was awesome that he remembered and decided to take me back! breakfast at the lodge was the perfect start to the day, since it was so misty and drizzly!

i didn't take any other pictures on my birthday, but after a day full of shopping to my heart's content at City Creek, it felt so good to crawl into a bath with this LUSH Dragon's Egg bath bomb, and a Glam Glow mask! Pregnant heaven, I tell you!

32 weeks!!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

33 Weeks


+ Today I am 33 weeks, 3 days

+ Baby's the size of a HONEYDEW

+ I just told Devin that I made it to 33 weeks before I felt like I was running out of things to write about in these weekly updates! haha I don't feel like much has changed.

+ Chloe had her baby!!! Collin James Ashby was born on Friday, the 14th and he is PERFECT. He looks so much like his big brother, Ben! We have all been so smitten with him, he is just so cuddly and content, and I am so in love with his dark, dark eyes! It was so surreal for Chloe to finally have Collin because we have spent our entire pregnancies together, swapping stories and sharing our ups and downs, and we've always commented about how I was "just" 6 weeks behind her! Granted, she had Collin a week early, but still, the fact that he is here now really put it into perspective how close I am getting to having my baby!!! I remember having similar feelings a few months ago when Kelli, my sister, had her baby, Josie, but with Chloe and Collin, I am much closer to my due date, and things are getting more real all around, so it's been a little emotional! I can definitely say that it's only made me excited! I'm not scared or nervous, I am just so excited to meet her!

+ Here's my birth plan: get my baby here. As quickly, and as safely as possible. I'm not set in my ways about how she comes. I have accepted the fact that however that is will no doubt include some (probably lots, seeing as I'm a giant wuss) pain and discomfort, and I prefer to avoid a c-section or natural birth, but I have to laugh at myself even then, because when the time comes, it's really not going to matter, and I am / am going to be willing to do absolutely whatever it takes to make sure she is born safely. I think some people might think this sounds indecisive, but I think it is helping me mentally prepare for all the possibilities. I am ready!

+ Movement has changed this week. She is getting bigger, and her movements are more pronounced. I can see almost every movement from the outside, and she has had the hiccups a few times, which I love! Sometimes the jabs and kicks hurt a little, but I don't mind a bit! Holding tiny baby Collin and realizing I have a slightly smaller version of him inside me has made it all so much more REAL, and it's easy for me to picture her curled up in there.

+ Devin has made a few predictions about what he thinks she will look like and it's nothing like what I have imagined, but I hope he is right! I can't wait to see what she actually looks like and compare! We were both pretty similar looking babies. He was 6 lbs 11 oz and I think I was 7 lbs 4 oz. and we were both mostly bald, haha! We both have brown hair and hazel eyes, so neither of us are expecting our baby to be much different! Devin did have super blonde hair as a toddler, though, and I'm so hoping this girl inherits that!

+ My belly is totally starting to get in the way of things. Like, all the things. ha!

+ This week is our last week in Herriman! We are so busy with packing and organizing and getting ready for the move, and I can't wait to be in our new place! I am mostly excited to get the nursery put together, I am getting so impatient about it!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

32 Weeks

I really shouldn't be shopping for baby clothes like I am... I'm not getting anything very practical (although I am careful to pick things that will fit her right during the right seasons!) but with all the cute floral prints out there right now, how do you expect me to say no?! everything in this photo, which is a mix of leggings, tops, pajamas, and bodysuits, was bought at either carters, old navy or target!

+ Today I am 32 weeks, 5 days pregnant!

+ Baby is as big as a jicama!

+ Lots of sciatic pain this week! It's pretty uncomfortable and sometimes stops me in my tracks!

+ SO much movement. We've been seeing more and more waves and twitches across my belly and I love it - sometimes it tickles, sometimes it hurts!

+ Washed a ton of baby clothes, and it was hands down the cutest and least annoying load of laundry I've ever done! I also started making a list of what to pack for the hospital, so if you have any suggestions, let me know!

+ My sister in law is (hopefully) having her baby this week! Fingers crossed, at least!! I am SO excited to meet her baby boy! He's probably going to look exactly like his brother, which will be perfect, because Ben was seriously the most beautiful baby I've ever seen in my life! Chloe and I have been going through our pregnancies together from the very beginning - in fact, she and her husband were with us the morning we found out we were pregnant and we told them right away! It has been so much fun to share our ups and downs and talk about baby gear and every other baby topic under the sun! Since this is Chloe's second, she's been my go-to for all my questions. Our pregnancies have been pretty similar and we've had a ton of the same problems and side effects, so it's been nice to have a look 6 weeks into my future! So now that she's about to have her boy, it just means I'm that much closer to having my girl! I'm so glad this baby will grow up with him as her cousin!

+ I started reading "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" this week and I'm already about half way through, I love it so much! It's definitely the perfect kind of book for me. And it truly is the kind of stuff you'd learn about from your girlfriends. It's so much more honest and candid than any of the other books and it's such an easy and fun read! I wish I would have started it sooner, because I'm sure it would have saved me a lot of worrying and stressing over small stuff!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

On Pregnancy After Loss

I know how I appear on this blog. Utterly consumed with my growing baby, and busy arranging for the changes that will occur in the next few weeks when we welcome her into our arms and make this whole family thing official. That's a pretty accurate description of how life is actually going for me right now.

But there's still something there that I will never forget, and have never gone a day without thinking about: and that is, that this isn't my first.

I miscarried my first pregnancy at eight and a half weeks. I try not to make a big deal of this because it really is very common. It's practically normal. And in comparison (though it shouldn't really matter), my miscarriage was a pretty easy one (no D&C surgery, it happened early on, etc, etc) But I also try not to make light of this, because it's still life. And it's still sacred. And it was still really hard. And it hurt, and still does. Regardless of comparison to any other person's loss.

In those months after I publicly announced my miscarriage, I was often checked in on, to make sure I was okay. Asked how I was handling it, how I was coping, how I was feeling, asked if there was anything that could be done to help. And I usually told people that I felt like the only cure for what I was feeling would be to have a baby. And that was true. All I wanted, and what seemed like all I would ever need, was to just be a mother, finally. And that would fix everything.

So when I got pregnant again, two months later, and announced that pregnancy three months after that, the questions stopped. I had been cured! Right?

Well, mostly. I guess. Getting pregnant again, especially so quickly after my loss, really did heal that wound, and fill that void. It made the biggest difference and brought me so much closure, and so much peace, which I so desperately needed. I was able to move forward and focus on a new baby, a baby that would stay.

But that doesn't necessarily mean that I am "over it". And I don't think I ever will be. When I think about my family, my future children, and the life we'll live and what I want it to look like, I always take that first baby into consideration, too. I still wonder who that baby is, boy or girl, what they would have looked like, and I wonder what it will be like when I finally get to meet them and raise them. Because I truly believe that time will come. I don't think the babies you lose come back to you. I think they go to Heaven and wait patiently for you to return, so you can raise them, just like you would have done on Earth. And I like that better. (More babies!)

Losing a child, in any capacity, changes your life. It changes how you view things, and it gives you a different take on the eternal perspective. It puts you through some of the darkest times of your life, but also brings you one of the greatest hopes you'll ever know. It's unique to other losses, I think.

It wasn't easy - physically or mentally - to lose a pregnancy, but I definitely feel like because of it, I'm more grateful for this one that's stayed. I think it may have given me a perspective I needed, personally, in order to get through a full term pregnancy. Because pregnancy is not for the weak!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Katie, Lately

so excited about this diaper bag essential! (the kind of thing you get excited about when you're pregnant - things to put in your diaper bag! hahaha).  i had heard so many good things about let's playground, so when they had a deal on brickyard buffalo, I snatched up one of their mini mats to keep in my diaper bag as a changing pad!

this picture is so old that that pint of ice cream has been gone for over a week, and i can barely look at it because it makes me sad. i have yet to find my favorite ben & jerry's flavor, and I'll admit, I bought this one for the sole purpose that it had jimmy fallon's name and face on it, but i was pleasantly surprised and I may have found my B&J's soulmate.

glucose test a few weeks ago. it was as bad as they say it is. ha! i read that it's different for everyone, and even different for every pregnancy, and maybe i set too high of expectations? i was told it was like gatorade or punch - that's not true. i gagged the whole way through and felt terrible the entire rest of the day! good thing i passed the test, because it would have been awful to do twice! fingers crossed it tastes better during my next pregnancy, i guess!

right before we left for glacier, i bought this $15 ring at target to wear in place of my wedding ring. i was worried i would swell a lot on the trip, and i also didn't want to bring my real ring and risk losing or damaging it, and i've basically worn this fake one every day since! my real ring fit snug already, and i've had close calls before where i've almost had to get it cut off after an allergic reaction (still not sure if i'm allergic to white gold or what, but...) so in this case, i'm better safe than sorry, right?! haha it hasn't turned my finger green yet, so i don't mind it, but i sure miss my wedding ring!

texted this photo to dev to show him the snugs he was missing out on. (yes, that's a panda express fortune cookie, don't judge me.)

we got THE SWEETEST packages of gifts delivered to us from one of devin's converts in New Hampshire and I seriously tear up every time I think about it, because it was so sweet of her! and I just about DIED when I saw how all the packages were addressed!!!