Monday, September 16, 2013

You Can't Force A Monday

as busy and crazy as our weekends tend to be, (this weekend in particular, but more on that later), i always lay in bed on sunday night, exciting myself about how productive my monday is going to be. because, really. after a relaxing sunday with zero to few plans, the week doesn't always seem that bad. i was going to go to the gym. i was going to do laundry and clean up the massacre mess a family wedding leaves you with (especially when you were the decorator. at least half of my own home decor was in scattered boxes and bags on my living room floor). i was going to cook my wonderful husband a delicious meal, and take my dog on a walk. maybe do something other than watch How I Met Your Mother and blog.


uh... yeah right. katie: 0 monday: 1. touche Monday, touche. the things i actually did? 

make dinner. that i did do. tilapia with caramelized onion and mushrooms and rice pilaf. yum! 
add 3746592 things to my wishlist
sing "come together" by the beatles at the top of my lungs. got to be good lookin' cause he's so hard to see

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