Monday, March 30, 2015

The Worst Critic

My sister in law posted a photo on her instagram account over the weekend and it had the best caption i've read in a long time. She talked about how after the picture was taken and she looked at it, she immediately started criticizing herself and listing off a bunch of reasons why she'd never post that picture online. Then she realized that was a terrible reason to not post a picture of a sweet moment with her little family. She mentioned that the things she says to and about herself? She would never say that to somebody else - so why is it okay to say it to herself? I loved that!

It's so, so hard to go through any social media feed and not compare your life to somebody else's. And even though we all say it all the time, it's still hard! But I think if we make a small effort, every day, we'll all feel a little bit better. I know there's a lot going around about women needing to support and love other women - but we also need to support and love ourselves, too!

So here's me, making an effort!

IMG_4075 IMG_5573

Over a year ago, I threw out my birth control, and Devin and I began trying to get pregnant. A few weeks later, my skin broke out worse than I had ever had (including my puberty years!) - and after the switch to no birth control, followed by pregnancy, followed by miscarriage, followed by another pregnancy - my skin hasn't seen much improvement and I have been so self conscious about it ever since. My hormone levels were all over the place and they took it out on my skin! I hate the way I look, I hate the acne scars on my face that never seem to go away, or even get covered by my foundation, and I hate that I am still breaking out on occasion. So it's hard for me to even be at home without makeup, because I am so self conscious about it - posting these pictures (even with a b&w filter!) is a big deal to me!

But I would never, ever, look at another girl with skin problems and tell her the things I tell myself as I put my makeup on in the morning! So... why do I say those things to myself? For every flaw I can find in myself, I could probably also find something cool or unique, if I cared to try! Couldn't we all? That's the point! What a waste of time and emotion to tear ourselves down like that.

We are our own worst critics. The time I spend standing in front of the mirror worrying about the tiny details of how I look? Yeah, other people probably won't even notice those things that I spend all day being self conscious about. Because guess what?! Nobody cares as much as you do, or as much as you think they do! And not in a mean way, that's just the way it is. It honestly makes me feel better!

And all the things we all know about social media, but tend to forget the second we see another post that gets a rise of envy out of us: nobody has a perfect life. Not your little sister, not your favorite fashion blogger, not even the celebs you follow. They don't.

But we don't use social media to showcase our flaws! How many selfies do you think that girl took before she got one she felt comfortable posting? And how long do you think she spent in a photography app editing that image before she posted it?! You think her house is always clean?! I doubt it, but I bet she spent all morning cleaning it, and was so happy and proud that she took a picture to document it. Those are the things happening in the moments before that picture is posted that we all do, but don't show. I know I'm that way, so why would I be the only one? I'm not! There's no way!

The point is... we need to be nice. To each other. And to ourselves.



  1. Also, there is a super perfect Dove campaign about this. Women keep a journal of mean things they say to themselves, and an actor actually says them to someone in a restaurant. If you look for it it's in French. So good.

  2. I love this :) so perfectly said. You are amazing Katie and you really are so beautiful! Inside and out! Skin struggles really are no fun.. I have been breaking out so bad this past month and I hate it! And some of my melasma is coming back.. But it's like you said, no one notices as much as we do or cares as much as we do! I am glad you posted this and glad that I'm not the only one who thinks we need to be easier on ourselves! Love you!! And these pictures of you!!

  3. Love this post! I definitely need to be better at loving myself. Being a girl is rough stuff! Haha.

  4. This is so true. And just to give you an example of people not really noticing what you're worried about - this is my first time reading your blog and when I saw your pics I wasn't sure what you were about to say about them but MY first thoughts were "Aww, she's pretty!" and that your eyes are gorgeous. So if you like, feel free to tack those words up next these photos. =)

    Man, my skin didn't clear up to a "reasonable" degree until I was over 25. I totally understand this.

    1. Aww, thanks so much Ang! That is so sweet of you. Thanks for reading! And I'll cross my fingers for 25!! haha

  5. Love this and you. Amen all the way. I look at myself so differently now with a daughter. Like A. My body freaking did that, so it kicks ass. And B. I want my daughter to think she's beautiful and smart and cool so I really need to be more proud and confident in myself because where else will she learn it?!
