Monday, March 23, 2015

Finding Out


At the end of January, we were in St. George vacationing with Devin's family. The day before we left,  a Wednesday, I was supposed to get my period, and didn't. After nearly a year of tracking my cycles, I had become pretty predictable, and being off by a day wasn't that weird. I expected I would start Thursday, the day I was going to St. George. Devin had some stuff going on at work that weekend and wouldn't be coming down until Saturday morning, so I rode down with Sean and Chloe and expected to start some time that day. Thursday morning, when Devin and I woke up, I decided to take a test, just to settle my mind before the trip. I had made up my mind that if it was negative, it was a sign, and I would try focusing on something else for awhile, and "stop trying", just so we could have a break from the exhausting routine of trying and waiting, trying and waiting.

I remember my heart pounding out of my chest as I walked into that bathroom that morning, and staring at the test as it blinked, processing, which was a little uncharacteristic for me, since usually I couldn't bear to watch!

Not Pregnant. 

I took a deep breath and went back to bed. I wasn't going to cry. This was a sign. Let's focus on something different. Let's get our minds off of it for awhile. This isn't the end of the world. I didn't have to say anything, and Devin knew, and when he rolled over and put his arms around me, of course, I cried! I just got it out of my system and then got back up a few minutes later to finish packing and head to Sean & Chloe's.

All day Thursday, during the drive, settling into the condo we were staying at, and dinner: nothing. I thought that was a little odd, but attributed that to the miscarriage. It had only been two months, and I'm sure my body was still struggling to get back to a routine. It had to be that. 

Same thing on Friday: nothing! I was starting to get so confused, and texted Devin to pack some pregnancy tests, so I could test when he came down the next day, just to be sure.

Saturday came and went, and still no period. Devin had arrived that afternoon, just before lunch, but I knew I would want to wait to test until the morning (it's supposed to be the best time to take a pregnancy test, because that's when your HCG levels are highest). I resolved to wait, even though I was so confused and curious!

Sunday morning, I took a test, and it went about the same as Thursday, pounding chest, staring contest with the small screen: Not Pregnant. 


At this point, I was so confused. This was getting weird. Something wasn't right? Did I need to call my doctor and tell her? Was this something to do with the miscarriage? I tried not to think about it and just move on. I'd worry about it when we were home again. We were having such a great trip, and I didn't want to miss out on the fun worrying about what was going on!

The rest of Sunday AND all day Monday, still nothing. At this point, I was 5 days late. Devin's parent's left on Monday and it was just us, and Sean & Chloe with Ben left at the condo. 

On Tuesday morning, we all woke up early to leave, so we could be home by lunch. Devin got up before me to shower and get ready and when he came back into our room, he pulled another test out of his bag. He asked me if I wanted to take it, and I laughed and said it would be a waste! He gave me a "it couldn't hurt" look, and I grabbed it and went to the bathroom. "I'll humor you!". 

I set the test on the counter and went on with my morning routine, while Devin got ready beside me. After awhile, I looked down at the test and did a double take. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. 


I held up the test, "DEVIN." as he looked over and read the result, his eyes got huge and he swooped me up in to the biggest hug and I burst into tears, "I don't know if I believe it!" 

We were SO happy, and really truly just couldn't BELIEVE it! 

Over the next few weeks, I took every test I still had at home, just because both Devin and I were having the hardest time believing it. It was so surreal. Every test was positive, and it slowly began sinking in! 

When we found out, I was 4 weeks, 5 days. We were able to calculate the due date pretty easily (that's the kind of stuff you get good at after a year of trying, haha): October 1, 2015.

It seemed like almost immediately after we found out, I started getting sick, haha! The entire drive back home, I was feeling nauseous, and continued to feel sick the entire first trimester! 

I am exactly 4 months behind my sister, Kelli, who is having a little girl in June, and about 6 weeks being my sister in law, Chloe, who is having a boy in August! I'm so excited this baby will have cousins their age, and so happy I've got my sisters to keep me sane and teach me everything I need to know about pregnancy!

This kid is already getting a reputation for being a little stinker, so I think we're in for it, haha!


  1. Oh my gosh, I can do sympathize with this entire post. The fear and anxiety of taking a pregnancy test after experiencing a loss, getting a negative result when you're sure you're pregnant, feeling excited and nervous all at the same time. Been there friend. With this most current pregnancy I took two tests a few days apart that were negative. Then, the day Christian left for Switzerland I took a test that came back positive and had to wait 3 hours until he switched flights to tell him. I took 6 tests, 3 different brands, before I believed the positive result. And then when we went for our first ultrasound at 6 weeks they could see a sac but no baby and I thought I had miscarried. Obviously I didn't, because sweet baby girl will be here in 11 weeks. Christian and I couldn't be happier for you and Devin. You are both going to be such amazing parents. Seriously, we were both giddy when we found out, and now knowing you are past the 3 month mark I am even more excited for you! Keep us posted on the pregnancy. :-)

  2. Love love love! So excited for you!
