Monday, September 7, 2015

35/36 Weeks


+ Today I am 36 weeks, 4 days pregnant (photo taken yesterday at 36 weeks, 3 days)

+ Baby girl is the size of a head of ROMAINE LETTUCE

+ I held out this long! I made it all the way to 34 weeks, posting an update every week! But life is busy, and at this point in my pregnancy, not much is changing! So I'll probably post every other week from here on out (which hopefully won't be too many more posts!)

+ Craving mint chocolate chip ice cream

+ The nursery is about 85% done! We still have art to hang on the walls, clothes to hang in the closet, and a few things to buy, but it's basically there and it's everyone's favorite room in the house. Cooper loves to sleep under the crib, just like I hoped he would. I am so excited with how it turned out, and once it's completely done, I will post photos!

+ Zero labor signs. Which is fine. I didn't expect to start having labor signs until closer to 37 or 38 weeks anyway. But don't get me wrong, I am as anxious and impatient as ever! Every little pain or feeling that's different than normal gets me excited!

+ This last month is definitely the hardest. I am mentally, physically and emotionally OVER being pregnant. It's so hard. I am so uncomfortable, I have a ton of back pain, moving around is hard, working full time is hard, sitting around waiting for a baby is hard, not having any idea when or how things will happen is hard, the heartburn is back, and I just want to meet my baby girl already! Part of me really hopes that she's inherited my impatience, because I don't know how much longer I can wait before going crazy! 

+ We are basically at a point where we are just waiting on her! I can't believe this day is almost here! I can't believe it's almost time to have my baby!

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