Tuesday, June 16, 2015

24 Weeks


+ Today I'm 24 weeks, 5 days

+ Baby girl's the size of an EAR OF CORN

+ I realize that doing these posts every single week is probably annoying and repetitive... but here's the thing: I waited a really long time for my turn to be the one writing the "bumpdates", and it sucked to wait. So I'm milking it.

+ She got the hiccups this week! haha cutest thing ever. I loved it!

+ She's moving a lot, and they feel like such strong movements to me, but Devin still can't feel anything! I love feeling her move, and I'm starting to notice a routine. Hopefully the movements get stronger in the next few weeks so Devin can start feeling her too.

+ Had another appointment today and it was pretty uneventful. My doctor told me to plan for lots of swelling since I will be pregnant through the summer (yay!...), and we scheduled the glucose test for next month! We got to hear the heartbeat again, and that is the greatest sound in the world!

+ We're off to Glacier National Park later this week! I'm so excited for a vacation, especially in this amazing place, and with some of our best friends! We all feel like we're overdue for a vacation! This will be the last big trip we take before the baby comes, though I'm sure we'll go camping a bunch before then, too!

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