Remember photobooth? It's like the junk drawer of mac computers. At least, to mine anyway. These are a few of the gems I stumbled upon when I was cleaning up my computer a few days ago.
ugh. cooper does not understand photobooth. like, get with the program.
my squirrely little rascally baby coop!!! and that handsome man in need of a haircut. love them both to the moon.
avant garde - still trying to make photobooth happen. (it's not.)
three reasons you know this picture is eons old: i'm sitting in our old apartment, i have eyelash extensions (i so wish i could keep up with them. but i'm just not high maintenance enough), short hair (haven't cut my hair in almost 2 years), and (bonus) i have no idea what happened to that shirt.
not even going to try to explain this one
those blasted good hair days when you do absolutely nothing important. damn those days. they are the worst.
I love your long ombre hair but your short choppy bob is just pretty much perfect. Also can you tell I'm having a slow day at school? #TGIF