Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Robot Posts to Continue Until Further Notice

I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated because I feel like everything I post about lately is robotic and not really relative to my actual life. It's all series posts and catch-up photo dumps and whathaveyou. It's frustrating.

But I'm going to be honest in that vague, annoying way. Because there's just no other way right now. Everything that's going on in my life and taking up my time and my thoughts are things that I'm not ready to share on here yet. They are a far more frustrating than my worry of genuine content on my blog, hence the radio silence. I wish I could apologize, but I'm not very sorry. We'll all just have to deal with it for now. 

Aside from those personal struggles that are consuming and overwhelming me lately, I've been incredibly busy at work and unless you want to hear about accounts receivable... oh, you don't? Okay. Moving on...

I've tried to set aside time lately to consciously think about myself and assess my feelings and where i'm at. It takes more effort than I realize to think through the things going on in my life and around me, and I needed to lay it all out and reorganize. So, I know it's quiet here lately, but I need the quiet. I'll keep going with the robot posts for now, just because I don't want to lose my momentum, but regular blogging will presume at a later date, I'm sure. I've got all kinds of great things I want to talk about like, making friends when you're an adult and a big ol gushy one is coming soon because we're about to celebrating devin's birthday and our anniversary!

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