Tuesday, July 21, 2015

29 Weeks

we've already spent way, way more time in a tent then i'd ever thought i'd be able to tolerate during pregnancy, and it's actually been great! i'm begging devin to find a way we can squeeze in two more camping trips before the baby comes! this picture is from over the weekend - we went up to wyoming for our annual camping trip at grey's river and while the guys went shooting, i took a nap and read this hilarious book. any time i'm laying down, i usually lift my shirt up so i can watch her move and feel her better. i get that the bare belly stuff isn't everyone's "thing", because i totally rolled my eyes too, but now that i've got bump, i've grown to love it, and now i understand the other side of the spectrum!

+ Today I am 29 weeks, 5 days (I've really gotta get better at doing these earlier in the week!)

+ Baby Girl is as big as a winter squash (okay. hold on a second. because the photo of a winter squash is a legit pumpkin. and i feel like she's as big as a pumpkin... but she's not actually as big as a pumpkin yet, right? haha)

+ This week, I finally had a moment. And I missed my old body. Well, I missed being able to dress my old body. I was used to my old body. I knew it! And I love this little bump more than just about anything and I think it's pretty amazing to lay down and watch her wiggle and feel her kick, and I actually like the way my belly looks, but I miss knowing what I was doing when it came to dressing myself. I finally broke down today and went to target and bought more maternity clothes. I think there was a bad combination of thinking I had enough maternity clothes, and being in denial about needing them and still trying to wear regular clothes. And wearing my jeans with the hair tie trick just wasn't working anymore, ha!

+ My finger nails have been growing SO fast. They always say prenatal vitamins are great for your hair, skin and nails but I didn't notice any difference until the last week or so, where my nails just won't stay short! It's driving my slightly insane. And as for my hair and skin? They seem about the same as always, haha!

+ We are moving in a month, but we've got i'd say about 65% of the nursery stuff and it's so exciting! It's a little hard to put together and decorate a room you don't have yet, but I'm doing my best and I think it's going to turn out better than how I imagine it will! I can't wait to get started. I'm pretty sure the nursery will be put together before we've even completely moved in, and the rest of the house will be done some time over the next few years..? I just can't wait!!

+ We've got a pretty active, yet consistent baby on our hands! She seems to have herself on a schedule, which has been nice, because I know when to expect movement, and when to not worry about her. But when she's active, she gets feisty! I love it! This weekend, Devin finally got to feel some serious movement. He's felt a few kicks and nudges already, but this time she was showing off and kicked right at his hand several times and my heart could have burst watching the two of them bond like that for a minute. As excited as I am to have her, and meet her and finally see her and hold her, I think I am ultimately most excited to watch the man I love become a father to a child that is equal parts him and me. I think it's going to be the greatest thing I'll ever get to be a part of.

+ just sort of FREAKING OUT about the fact that we are SO close!!! I can't believe I only have 10 weeks left! I made a list of all the big things going on between now and my due date, and we are going to be so busy until she comes that I'm sure it will go by EVEN FASTER! Normally, this would stress me out, and maybe it is, just in a good way, because I'm mostly just SO EXCITED! We've got my birthday, baby showers, moving day, hopefully a couple more camping trips, tons of doctor's appointments, and a nephew coming! I am so glad we'll be so busy, because it will keep me distracted from getting too impatient! It's going to be an exciting late summer!

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