Monday, July 13, 2015

28 Weeks


+ Today I am 28 weeks, 4 days

+ Baby girl is as big as a EGGPLANT (all of my apps stopped agreeing, and now all the fruits and all the veggies are getting all mixed up, because I swear one of the apps said she was an eggplant like a month ago, but we'll just go with it.)

+ Devin finally felt her move!!! AND we saw her from the outside for the first time! haha I feel like we've been waiting for her movements to be strong enough for so long, so it was exciting to finally get here! She has been so active, especially during the afternoons. It gets really distracting at work! And also, she's been lodged in my ribs the last few days!

+ She's officially set up camp in my ribs on my right side. She won't budge. And she's seemed to have made it her personal goal to attempt to break at least one rib while she's there.

+ I've had a few braxton hicks contractions this week! It's mostly just crazy to me that I'm far enough along to be experiencing false contractions! What?!

+ Things are starting pile up and stress me out, while at the same time falling into place sort of? It's kind of this frenzied, but calm... storm. Ha! I feel like there's a million things that need to be done and arranged and I keep seeing people having their babies weeks and weeks early, and that terrifies me to not be prepared, but at the same time, things are moving slowly, and big things are getting checked off the to do list and it's all going well, so... take what you will from that statement. I'm freaking out, but I can manage. Basically.

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