Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 | Do All Things With Love

I've never been great at making resolutions, and it's usually because I'm too indecisive to know what I want to do or accomplish that far ahead of time. For 2014, I am going to try a different approach. I've picked this saying as my "mantra" if you will, for the entire year. I really want to focus on being a good person, on all accounts. 2013 was sort of a plateau year for Devin and I, but we already know that 2014 will be big. I designed a few buttons, so feel free to add it to your own blog if you'd like! I'm anxious to see where this year takes us! 

 photo IMG_1270_zpsd255660b.jpg  photo IMG_1269_zps23cd8772.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Motto!!! I love it. I just posted about mine, which is to "be positive"
