Sunday, November 10, 2013

Katie, Lately | This One Should be Called Cooper, Lately

I'm serious. As soon as I got all of these uploaded, I realized they were 99% Cooper. So unless you're as obsessed with my dog as I am, you can skip this one! 

We "dressed" Cooper up for Halloween this year. We made a cape out of one of Devin's old t-shirts and it says "super cooper" on it. He loved it. I'm not kidding, he thought it was the coolest thing! He's always loved wearing bandanas and bow ties, so I shouldn't be surprised. I'll put it on him again every once in awhile, and he will immediately grab a ball so I can through it for him to chase. Cutest thing.

Sometimes, I will just say random things to Cooper so he'll cock his head. Devin will walk in on me, saying things like "hey, coop, do you like sardines?" in my highest pitched voice. This is not a joke. It works!

As soon as I make the bed, he's on it. Every. Time.

And he can never hold still long enough for me to get a decent photo!

Unless, of course, he's sleeping. The coolest thing about Cooper is that he's a mix of two very high energy breeds, and he is like the energizer buddy sometimes, but if we're just laying around, Coop's cool to do whatever. He's not just always bouncing off the walls. That's one of the first questions I get asked when I tell people I have a border aussie. No, he is not crazy energetic. He has tons of energy, of course, and he plays hard, but he's totally content to snuggle up and relax.

My hair is disgustingly damaged right now. The ends look totally fried, but it's growing like a weed lately, and I'm totally okay with it. I think I'll keep it going a little while longer before I cut it all off (we all know it's bound to happen.)


  1. ok your dog is so dang cute! his spots are darling and I love his ears! dogs are the best ever!
