I know, I know. [insert all the excuses as to why i haven't blogged in what, a month? and why i'm about to blog dump on you now]. It's just life, guys. Life interrupts my blogging a lot. It's probably the other way around, but that's beside the point. The point is that I've got a few things to tell you:
+ momentum lehi opening date has been SET! November 15th, I hate and love you so much all at the same time. Please take it easy on my husband.
+ drinking diet coke from a bottle gives me the most obnoxious hiccups. discovery made approximately 2 hours ago. or maybe it's the whole drinking diet coke for breakfast thing that i should be more concerned about...
+ um, hello MID AUGUST. half of me is all "I hate you, where'd my summer go?" and the other half is like, "let me kiss you, you fall-greeting, season-changing time, you!" guys, i have a confession: i'm not really a summer girl. it's fall. it's always been fall.
+ one last thing: we're not moving.
we were so excited. we were SET ON IT. we were searching high and low and in and out and never found the right place. or the right price (why you gotta be so expensive, lehi? why???!!!) so we signed our lease for one more year. it's really the right move though, not moving. we have a nice set up where we are. a garage for devin's tools, a backyard for coop. devin has a stake calling, so that's a good reason to stay, too. our commute isn't bad and we'll be able to carpool some mornings anyway, and our rent didn't go up too much. i was so excited for a new place, but i think i can hold out another year because.... our goal is to buy a house next year. key word here is goal because who knows what our lives will look like a year from now, but with this new position for devin, things are lining up perfectly right now, so we're just gonna go with it. i love our tiny herriman house, so we'll be okay.
blog posts coming your way this weekend include, but are not limited to:
all about our annual grey's river trip
my birthday
and a giant photo dump, because it just wouldn't be the mockingbird blog without one! (plenty of photos of coop, too!)
Oh never mind. Should have read this post first. :) You guys have such a great place and it looks so great! And avoiding the stress of moving for as long as possible is always nice.