We didn't have any major plans for the holiday, but it sure was nice to spend the afternoon at the pool while Devin worked, even though it ended with an inevitable sunburn. Friday evening, we drove up to Oakley and went to the Oakley Rodeo with our good friends Ryan and Chelsey. Chelsey's step dad was a sponsor for the rodeo, so we got great seats and a pre-rodeo dinner catered by a local restaurant. It was delicious! And after dinner, we got to watch the rodeo queens warm up their horses and Chelsey's cute little niece asked one of them for a ride and got one! It was adorable. I didn't take any photos because how do you take photos of a rodeo and also, it was really intense. I mean, those horses can buck! It was such a cool thing to be a part of and I gained a whole new respect for everyone in the rodeo industry, especially those animals! It ended with a fireworks show and we were out of there just in time for a big Uinta-style rainstorm. It was perfect.
We had all day Saturday together, and we didn't do a single patriotic thing, but we had the greatest time. We went to lunch with The Morck's and then later, stopped for shaved ice on the way home, and had a sushi dinner date all to ourselves. It seems like the longer the weekend is, the quicker it seems to go by. We spent some time wtih both of our parents on Sunday and officially started the countdown to our annual trip to Grey's River! 2 1/2 weeks! It was a good weekend.
old navy was OUT of white bermuda shorts. so i went for the next best thing. and i sort of love the drop waist dress style all of a sudden because look.
i had the pool to myself on the 4th of july for at least 45 minutes. it was glorious.
the only rodeo photo. (katie, you can't do the no-teeth smile. stop trying.)
those baby blues!! this girl is 5 months old now and getting cuter by the second. she was so fun at lunch, and such a good baby!
finally tried that famous shaved ice place everyone pronounces differently! i get it now, though. it really is the best. speaking of… *grabs keys and walks out the door*
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