i didn't take a single photo of my bump this week, but Josie girl is more exciting than my belly anyway!
+ Today I am 22 Weeks, 5 days
+ Baby girl is the size of an EGGPLANT
+ So here's the thing with feeling a baby move: since this is my first, I really don't know what it is that I'm expecting to feel when she moves, so I'm not sure what counts as her, and what can be credited to everything else happening in my stomach. When we have had ultrasounds, the technician will push against my stomach and poke around to get her to move and we watch her wiggle on the screen, so I know that it's effective, but when I am laying on my couch at home and poking at my belly and feel movement, I can never be too sure if it's her! Anybody could probably feel things start to move around in their stomachs after they poke at them, right?! haha It's just hard to know what's her and what's me, but I've been feeling some different movements this last week and I'm just going to start counting it! haha
+ I got a cold this week! Bleh. It really is worse when you're pregnant.
+ pretty sure my belly button is gonna pop out soon! i've always had an innie but this last week or so it's started to look like it's going to be an outie.
+ sleeping like a rock lately
+ my older sister had her baby girl! it was so surreal to think about how that will be me in just a few months! being around a brand new baby made me so excited!
+ baby girl definitely knew her cousin was coming, because that whole night my sister was in labor and delivering her baby, mine was kicking like crazy! haha i think she just wanted to be a part of the party!
+ the combination of being almost 6 months pregnant, getting no sleep all weekend, and spending most of that time on my feet resulted in some serious swelling! haha i hate it! ugh. it went down pretty quickly it never got too bad, but I do not like that pregnant symptom, haha!
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